Originally posted by Kaffeine:I've stumbled up into something called 'wemod' which is basically an application which lets the player cheat even in ironman mode. Third party cheats, file modding, adding the achivement via steam cheats etc are those THEIR numbers or third party numbers?Įdit: quick glance at their site shows me no proof for the 120k players value (seems pretty unlikely to me) but even still i highly doubt PDX would ban them as at the end of the day even if you disagree with them there will ALWAYS be people using cheats so hopefully you get my point on this situation. And i know that this may make me come off as a tryharding little b*** who thinks that games are more important that anything else but i only wanted to get this problem onto other peoples attention because there are currently around 120k players using wemod for hoi4. what point does the bs hard af achievments have after people start using cheats in rows? it just becomes irrelevant to have hard achievments by your own skill when someone else out there can just cheat to get it. but dont cheat just because you want to get some achievments because it just defeats the point of them.
Originally posted by Kaffeine:i totally get your point but as i said before if they want to cheat thats fine by me.